Getting there
House address on Corsica (La Maison Rouge)
Famille Sendner
Lieu dit Alteto
Route de Pinarello
F-20144 Ste-Lucie de Porto-Vecchio
Directions to the holiday homes in Pinarello
On leaving the port in Bastia, turn left at the exit road and follow the directions towards Bonifacio.
Keep driving along the N 193 highway, which then becomes the N 198 from Casamozza, until after about 120 km you arrive at Ste. Lucie de Porto Vecchio. At the only crossroads in the town turn left towards Pinarello (in New Corsican “Pinareddu”) and continue along the very windy road. After roughly 2.5 km you will see a completely cleared plot of land on your left hand side. Directly opposite on the right hand side is a concreted and very steep access road, which you need to turn into. (Another feature in order to find the access road is an enormous old cork tree, which stands about 20 metres beyond the driveway directly on the side of the road. If you come across Hotel “Paesolu” on your right hand side, you have travelled about 150 metres too far and will need to turn back.) After driving along the access road for about 50 metres you will come to a small driveway on the left hand side, which leads to the house.
Welcome to our holiday home!
Route from Bastia to Ste. Lucie de Porto Vecchio on Google Maps.
Route from Ste. Lucie de Porto Vecchio to the house:
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